
class bayes_opt.util.UtilityFunction(kind='ucb', kappa=2.576, xi=0, kappa_decay=1, kappa_decay_delay=0)

An object to compute the acquisition functions.

kind : {'ucb', 'ei', 'poi'}

  • ‘ucb’ stands for the Upper Confidence Bounds method

  • ’ei’ is the Expected Improvement method

  • ’poi’ is the Probability Of Improvement criterion.

kappa : float, optional(default=2.576)

Parameter to indicate how closed are the next parameters sampled. Higher value = favors spaces that are least explored. Lower value = favors spaces where the regression function is the highest.

kappa_decay : float, optional(default=1)

kappa is multiplied by this factor every iteration.

kappa_decay_delay : int, optional(default=0)

Number of iterations that must have passed before applying the decay to kappa.

xi : float, optional(default=0.0)

static ei(x, gp, y_max, xi)

Calculate Expected Improvement acqusition function.

Similar to Probability of Improvement (UtilityFunction.poi), but also considers the magnitude of improvement. Calculated as

\[\text{EI}(x) = (\mu(x)-y_{\text{max}} - \xi) \Phi\left( \frac{\mu(x)-y_{\text{max}} - \xi }{\sigma(x)} \right) + \sigma(x) \phi\left( \frac{\mu(x)-y_{\text{max}} - \xi }{\sigma(x)} \right)\]

where \(\Phi\) is the CDF and \(\phi\) the PDF of the normal distribution.

x : np.ndarray

Parameters to evaluate the function at.

gp : sklearn.gaussian_process.GaussianProcessRegressor

A gaussian process regressor modelling the target function based on previous observations.

y_max : number

Highest found value of the target function.

xi : float, positive

Governs the exploration/exploitation tradeoff. Lower prefers exploitation, higher prefers exploration.


Values of the acquisition function

static poi(x, gp, y_max, xi)

Calculate Probability of Improvement acqusition function.

Calculated as

\[\text{POI}(x) = \Phi\left( \frac{\mu(x)-y_{\text{max}} - \xi }{\sigma(x)} \right)\]

where \(\Phi\) is the CDF of the normal distribution.

x : np.ndarray

Parameters to evaluate the function at.

gp : sklearn.gaussian_process.GaussianProcessRegressor

A gaussian process regressor modelling the target function based on previous observations.

y_max : number

Highest found value of the target function.

xi : float, positive

Governs the exploration/exploitation tradeoff. Lower prefers exploitation, higher prefers exploration.


Values of the acquisition function

static ucb(x, gp, kappa)

Calculate Upper Confidence Bound acquisition function.

Similar to Probability of Improvement (UtilityFunction.poi), but also considers the magnitude of improvement. Calculated as

\[\text{UCB}(x) = \mu(x) + \kappa \sigma(x)\]

where \(\Phi\) is the CDF and \(\phi\) the PDF of the normal distribution.

x : np.ndarray

Parameters to evaluate the function at.

gp : sklearn.gaussian_process.GaussianProcessRegressor

A gaussian process regressor modelling the target function based on previous observations.

y_max : number

Highest found value of the target function.

kappa : float, positive

Governs the exploration/exploitation tradeoff. Lower prefers exploitation, higher prefers exploration.


Values of the acquisition function


Update internal parameters.

utility(x, gp, y_max)

Calculate acquisition function.

x : np.ndarray

Parameters to evaluate the function at.

gp : sklearn.gaussian_process.GaussianProcessRegressor

A gaussian process regressor modelling the target function based on previous observations.

y_max : number

Highest found value of the target function.


Values of the acquisition function